Breakfast At Gypsy

Or, how I spent the morning of my big fat 40th birthday.
Frankie | | # |

I simply ♥ snow peas.
The other ingredients are yummy as well.
Frankie | | # |
Once In Your Lifetime

Today's IRL Inbox:
"Once In Your Lifetime" is an upcoming exhibit at the Cleveland Museum of Art.
Not since the 1900 World's Fair in Paris have the masterworks of Fabergé, Tiffany, and Lalique been reunited. The exhibit promises to recreate the ambience of the Paris World's Fair, while devoting a separate gallery to each designer.
I'm not missing this for...well, the world.
Frankie | | # |

At the corner of Detroit Avenue and West 65th, just outside
Gypsy Beans.
Frankie | | # |
It's All A Blur

Shortly after taking this shot (and downing an espresso shot) I fired up the laptop (yeah, the older IBM model I gave to David since my iPhone acquisition), downloaded iTunes 8 and then... blur. The entire LCD looked as if it were melting and then the laptop crashed.
It's been doing the same thing for about four hours now; boots up fine, stays functional for thirty or so seconds, and then the screen melts, flickers, and the system shuts down. I'm looking into it, but until I can find a fix, I'm not able to update my iPhone to 2.1.
I may just forgoe the shopping excursion I had planned for the end of the month (and by 'excursion' I totally mean new clothes on the cheap) and put the money toward something more useful. Like the ever mounting pile of bills. Or a new (I'm not opposed to used) laptop. Or bills.
But probably a laptop.
Frankie | | # |
Crocker Park Apple Store

I will admit, walking in and high-fiving the Apple Store employees at the grand opening was kinda cool.
But I'm geeky like that.
Frankie | | # |

I'm getting a bit more creative with my chicken breast recipes. Today I made teryaki drizzled chicken with a pear purée glaze.
Eat your effing heart out, Rachael Ray. Or invite me on your show and I'll be happy to make it for you.
Frankie | | # |