Cleveland Rocks N' Runs
- "The Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon announced a new partnership with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum to promote and celebrate the 30th anniversary of the marathon on Sunday, May 20.
The Cleveland organizations, which both bring thousands of people and millions of tourism dollars to the city each year, will work in conjunction to promote weekend events and offer reciprocal discounts and promotions to one another’s constituents. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum will also staff one of the water stations along the course.
The Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon, one of the 50 oldest marathons in the country, begins at East 13th and St. Clair and ends at St. Clair and East 12th street, just blocks from the Rock Hall entrance. Runners pass the state-of the-art facility on their 26.2 mile journey, as well as other points of interest including the Rockefeller Park, Browns Stadium, Jacobs Field, Ohio City and more."
Oh, snap! I can get him to run for me!
Oh. Hell. No. But bless.
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