The Tree, 2008

A bit early, yes. But pretty!
Frankie | | # |
YBJ And Jacci Halloween 2008

YBJ as Barack Obama and his lovely lady as, well, a lovely lady ready to fight for her man.
Frankie | | # |
The Gumola Men

Michael (on the left) and I haven't seen each other in about 12 years. Mark (in the middle) and I saw each other about two years ago just before I moved to Cleveland. Taken 11/09/08.
Frankie | | # |
Mine, All Mine

OK, not really. But still. Yum.
Frankie | | # |
November 4th, 2008

Posted at Gypsy Beans. Also, Mama G turns sixty today. Happy Birthday Mama G!
Frankie | | # |