Crazy Mullets

Three dollars off an eighteen dollar haircut if I use the postcard as a coupon. I'd rather pay full price for a fabulous hairdo.
Which I need, oh so desperately right about now.
Frankie | | # |
iGot To Keep On Moving
I bought an iPhone 3G just over a week ago and aside from installing iTunes, haven't touched my laptop since.
Actually, I gave it to David.
This weblog is going to change format very soon. I'll keep updating all the social networking sites in which I partake, and this site will basically be a place for me to upload the ocassional pic with accompanying text.
I've been wanting to do this sort of format for quite some time and the iPhone allows me to to just that, and with ease. I'm going as mobile as possible, as soon as possible.
(Yes, I was one of those annoying freaks in line at the ungodly hour of six a.m., and had my iPhone up and running by nine. I have no complaints of battery life, browser crashes, or applications not running properly. I am totally content with my new toy and you can pry it from my cold, dead hands, bitches.)
Frankie | | # |